Importing jobs via CSV

Dropboard allows users on our Business or Recruiter plan to import jobs in bulk from a spreadsheet by using CSV (comma-separated-values) files.

From the Jobs menu, click on the "+" button and choose the import option:

1) Export your spreadsheet

Using your spreadsheet software, export your sheet to CSV format. In Google Sheets this is found by clicking File > Download > Comma-separated-values.

2) Upload your file to Dropboard

Drag and drop your *.csv file into our uploader so you can map your columns to our expected fields. You may want to make a copy of our starter spreadsheet which has field names that will make your import even easier.

💡 Check out the "Field explanations" sheet in our starter spreadsheet for details on how to format your data for the simplest import.

3) Map your columns

The fields we need from you will be listed on the left. Tell us which columns from your spreadsheet to use and we'll show you some sample data and/or any issues we see.

[1] This is a property of your jobs. An asterisk indicates a required field.

[2] For each property, select a column from your CSV file that has data for this field. A "-" icon indicates that no selection has been made. This is fine for any optional field, but is a nice way to double-check your import.

[3] Here we see sample data for this field. If there are any issues with your data, you'll see an error here.

3a) The job code field

Specifying an optional job code is a powerful way for you to update jobs later. During import, if a job already exists with this job code, Dropboard will update that record instead of creating a new one. This means you can not only do bulk import of new jobs, but you can easily update a whole list of jobs at once.

Title Job code
Office Manager ABC-101
Social Media Manager ABC-102

3b) The hiring manager field

The optional hiring manager field is a little special. If you specify values in your spreadsheet, you can use the name of anyone on your team to assign them to the job in question.

For instance, if your have team members: Jared, Carissa, and Amy, then you can have a spreadsheet that looks something like this:

Title Hiring Manager
Office Manager Amy
Social Media Manager Carissa

4) Click "Import" to start the process

Click the "Import X Jobs" button at the bottom and watch the import start. You can click "Cancel" at any point to abort the import process. If there are any issues importing specific jobs, you'll see an error message for those jobs and the import process will continue through your file.

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