Amazon SES integration

You can use the Simple Email Service from Amazon Web Services as a custom emailer for outbound emails to candidates or recruiting clients.


You need our Business plan or higher for this feature.

To enable this integration, you need an access key, secret, and region from your AWS account. We recommend creating a dedicated IAM user for this.

Here are step-by-step instructions:

In IAM > Users, create a new user
Give your user a name for it's intended use in Dropboard
In this example we're showing the simplest way forward by attaching a SES policy directly to your user.

Security tip

For the simplicity of our example, we are attaching a "full access" SES policy directly to the new user. We recommend getting more granular and only granting the "SendEmail" action in the "SES v2" service.

Confirmation screen as we create our user
Now we need to visit the user's details so we can get their access key
Click on "Security credentials"
Generate an access key
Specify a reason for generating this key
Optionally give this user a description of why you created it
Copy the "Access key" and "Secret access key" into your Dropboard settings

Security tip

It's a good idea to store the access key and secret access key somewhere secure like a password manager for your team.

Enter the access key, region, and secret access key

Choose "Amazon SES" within Dropboard and after entering your credentials from AWS, save your settings. Dropboard will attempt to send a test email using the from address you specify to ensure we will be able to use this integration.

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