Custom styling with CSS

You can use your own Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) code to augment Dropboard's styling to get that perfect match to your branding.

These are advanced concepts that may require a software developer. 😬


This class guide is offered as a courtesy. We will avoid removing classes or reworking how they are used, but our HTML structure may not be permanent.

Setting custom CSS

In your Dropboard or Portal designer, under the "Job Openings," "Application Form," and "Application confirmation" sections, you can expand the "Advanced" section and set Custom CSS here:

Things to know

  • All customizable elements will have a class with the prefix: dropboard- .
  • Each UI has a top-level class to help differentiate your selectors between the various pieces of the Dropboard UI. It's recommended to always prefix your styles with the UI class for that piece. As an example:
.dropboard-job-openings .dropboard-job-title {
  font-style: italic;
  • Font imports within your custom CSS may not work for Dropboard embeds due to how Dropboard is sandboxed within your site. Solve this by importing the fonts at the page-level and then referencing those fonts within your custom CSS.

UI listings

Job openings

This is the listing of job openings that candidates can apply to.

Element CSS class
Top-level class dropboard-job-openings
No jobs open dropboard-no-results
No results from a user search or filtering dropboard-no-filtered-results
Search and filter bar container dropboard-search-bar-cont
→ Inner container dropboard-search-bar
List of locations to filter dropboard-location-filter
Job search autocomplete container dropboard-search-autocomplete-cont
→ Inner container dropboard-search-autocomplete
→ Dropdown of autocomplete results dropboard-search-autocomplete-dropdown
Jobs are loading dropboard-job-loader
Jobs list dropboard-job-list
Job dropboard-job
Promoted job label dropboard-promoted-job-label
Header area of job dropboard-job-header
Title dropboard-job-title
Apply button when job is collapsed dropboard-job-apply
Apply button when job is expanded dropboard-job-apply-expanded
Main area of job dropboard-job-body
Various short information about jobs dropboard-job-attributes
→ Logo of company/client dropboard-client-logo
→ Name of company/client dropboard-client-name
→ When the job is posted and/or closes dropboard-open-close-date
→ The compensation offered dropboard-compensation
→ The location summary for this job dropboard-location
→ The job's employment type (Internship, etc) dropboard-employment-type
→ A list of categories assigned to this job dropboard-categories
The full job description dropboard-job-description
Responsibilities bullet points section dropboard-responsibilities
Qualificiations bullet points section dropboard-qualifications
User-defined information like perks, benefits, etc. dropboard-custom-section
The element that expands the job description dropboard-expand
The element that collapses the job description dropboard-collapse
The left panel where filter options may be shown dropboard-job-openings-sidebar
The container when there are multiple pages of jobs dropboard-pager
→ Previous page element dropboard-previous
→ What page the user is on dropboard-page
→ Next page element dropboard-next

Apply panel

This is the panel that pops up when a candidate wishes to apply to a job.

Top-level class dropboard-apply-panel
The title bar of the panel dropboard-apply-panel-header
The title itself dropboard-title
The containing body of the panel dropboard-panel-body
→ An inner wrapper dropboard-panel-body-inner
Element shown as the panel is in a loading state dropboard-panel-loading

Apply panel form

This is the initial form that pops up in a panel when a candidate wishes to apply to a job.

Element CSS class
Top-level class dropboard-apply-form
The container for collecting first and last name dropboard-name
The container for collecting email address dropboard-email
The field that collects the resume/CV dropboard-resume
The field that collects the cover letter/intro dropboard-cover-letter
A custom field on your form dropboard-custom-field
→ A specific field reference by the ID you assigned dropboard-custom-field-[FIELD ID]
The container of the submit button dropboard-submit-cont
The submit button dropboard-submit
The area displaying customizable disclaimer text dropboard-disclaimer
A container for disclaimer links you can set dropboard-disclaimer-links-cont
Container for a loading element during custom field file-uploading dropboard-uploading-cont

Apply panel confirmation

This is the screen the candidate sees after a successful submission.

Element CSS class
Top-level class dropboard-apply-confirmation
A container for the thank you title dropboard-title-cont
→ The title dropboard-title
The thank you message dropboard-message
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