Requiring approval for job edits

You can enable the "Require approval on job changes" feature in your client plans. When clients are set to a plan with this restriction, any new job they create will come to you for approval. Similarly, if clients make edits to job content, those changes will be set as a draft awaiting your approval.

Watch our tutorial video on this here.

Client creates a new job

When a client creates or edits a job, they will see a notice that their content changes will require approval before going live. After saving their job, they will see an icon indicating their changes are waiting approval.

Notice when creating a new job when approvals are enabled
Job database showing a job waiting on approval

As the top-level organization, you will see jobs waiting approval first in the list so you can quickly moderate content. You and your client can also filter jobs using the status dropdown so you only show jobs waiting approval (or those that have been rejected).

Reviewing changes

To review changes, click on a job to bring up the editor. You'll see "Reject" and "Approve" buttons. If the client made edits to an existing job, the job fields will be filled with the client's changes and you'll see a notice comparing the values that are currently live.

Approving changes

To approve changes, just hit the "Approve" button. This will not only approve the job, but also save any edits you feel you need to make. This way you can quickly correct minor mistakes that don't warrant a rejection.

Rejecting changes

On the other hand, if you want the client to make edits to the job you can reject the changes.

Reject or approve

Before your rejection is finalized, you'll be able to choose a few options:

Rejection flow, step 1 of 2

You can either A) leave the user's draft intact and let them try again, or you can B) completely discard the user's changes and let the job go back to it's previous content. If this is a new job, deleting their draft will delete the job entirely.

Optionally enter a reason for the rejection and then hit "Next" to see step 2:

Rejection flow, step 2 of 2

You can email the draft owner so that they know what to do, or you can skip this step.


If you choose to delete their draft and not email the draft owner about the rejection, they will not see your rejection note.


You can create an email template to use standard messaging for your organization.

Edits that do not require approval

Clients will be able to change details of a job like the open status, locations, and other job attributes without going through approval. Edits to the following require approval:

  • Title
  • Description
  • Responsibilities
  • Qualifications
  • Custom sections
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